Born in Norfolk in 1994, Artist Daniel Farrow has lived a vibrant yet chaotic life. At age eleven he was placed into foster care after years of turbulence within his family home, abuse from a parent and issues with mental health. Daniel left foster care at seventeen and started auditioning as an actor, pursuing various roles in film and television, travelling to meet with casting directors and open call auditions. This led him to London where he eventually found himself sleeping rough behind St James’ church whilst pursuing auditions and casting workshops. 

  Daniel eventually found his way back to Norfolk, his mind turned to the music industry. He set up New Black Records, an indie label which worked with up and coming artists, producing records and directing music videos.

 Though exciting and productive, the music business wasn’t paying the bills, so he began managing a bar and restaurant. This led to running his own catering company and then restaurant. Little did Daniel know that hospitality work might as well be synonymous to cocaine and alcohol, because that is what he did. A lot. This struggle with alcoholism and addiction inevitably led to difficulty with the restaurant and his mental health. 

In 2022 Daniel suffered a breakdown In his mental health with multiple visits to hospital, attempted suicide and ongoing bouts of mania and depression. During this period Daniel revisited childhood trauma. He reconnected with family to delve deeper into his past and eventually decided to sell the restaurant and focus on art full time. 

The art began with drugs and resulted in sobriety. The process was unbelievably healing, and each piece reflects a different state, a challenge, a different question, often pondered in the early hours of the morning. The work is not conclusive, it doesn’t seek to answer a question, but rather represent a moment of an often troubled mind. 

In his own words ‘art is the way through’.



A retrospective exhibition exploring identity, trauma, mental health & well-being.

To take place in a studio setting with canvas laid walls, artist Daniel Farrow will take a two week vow of silence to explore the inner thoughts and feelings that have inspired his body of works. During the process the artist will use mixed mediums to create further works on the walls of the studio.

